Revolution Frontier


Your patients get a CT because they need answers, quickly. But a challenge
with conventional CT today is that doctors see the anatomy, but may be
unable to characterize disease due to lack of fine detail or lack of tissue
composition such as calcium, iodine, blood or fat. This can often lead to
additional follow-up tests to make the diagnosis. As a result, CT needs to
evolve: from anatomy to function, from structure to chemical composition,
and from high sensitivity (detection) to high specificity (disease characterization).

Our RevolutionTM brand of CT systems is built from our passion to provide you
with extraordinary technologies that will allow you to reach the right
diagnosis, effortlessly. To push the boundaries of what you expect from your
CT, enabling you to see beyond anatomy and explore new areas of care.

Introducing Revolution Frontier. From Innovation to Outcomes... Everyday.

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  • clinical use
  • Technical detail
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