
Signa 7.0T

Scientific discovery meets clinical translation

Designed to overcome the limitations of many of today’s clinical MR systems, the SIGNA™ 7.0T* is a powerful new platform for advancing neurological research and clinical translation. Approximately five times more powerful than most clinical systems, SIGNA™ 7.0T is designed to detect subtle structures that may be significant for clinicians and researchers alike.

Signa Champion

Introducing SIGNA™ Champion, the MR experience everyone deserves

Signa Hero

Built for anything, the SIGNA™ Hero, a 70 cm bore, 3.0T MRI scanner enhances workflow, productivity and patient comfort, making difficult exams routine.

SIGNA™ Hero combines exceptional image quality with an enhanced experience for both departments and patients. Designed to improve productivity, you can rely on our sustainable machine to assist you with any challenge you face.